À la rencontre de notre muse

Meeting our muse

As we begin this new chapter of SAOLA, we put aside our original logo and let 's start fresh with a new icon that more accurately represents our brand. Our new logo - a interpretation abstract of...


Touched by the commitment and support that this association brings to the Bonobos of Congo, we wanted to help them at our level by donating funds to them each year, through each pair of shoes. The...
Made in Portugal !

Made in Portugal!

SAOLA's very first Made in Portugal models are available on the website ! We have created a product for women, the MARINHA , as well as a men's model, the FARO . These two names are inspired by gr...
Une journée de travail plus écolo avec de simples gestes
entreprise éco-responsable

A greener working day with simple gestures

6 more ecological and responsible solutions for everyday life, at home and at work! New means of transport, coffee bean machine, glass containers, waste recycling... A quick summary of very simple ...
Recycling, downcycling, upcycling … Et Saola dans tout ça ?
entreprise éco-responsable

Recycling, downcycling, upcycling… And Saola in all this?

We must first review the definition of recycling (or recycling in French) in order to understand what upcycling (overcycling) and downcycling (decycling) are.
Des idées de cadeaux éco-responsables

Eco-friendly gift ideas

It's almost Valentine's Day and you have no idea what to give your partner? You've come to the right place because we've made a list of eco-responsible gifts for you! SAOLA SHOES, Respire, Hydro...
2020 : le dé-brief

2020: the de-brief

3 years since SAOLA was born, and what a long way to go... 2020 was punctuated by COVID-19 but we didn't give up, we adapted and a lot of good things finally came out of this tormented year. 
Pourquoi choisir des fibres de bananes pour nos chaussures ?

Why choose banana fibers for our shoes?

We are constantly looking for innovative materials in order to offer eco-designed shoes from A to Z. So when we heard about banana fibers to form the upper of our sneakers, it immediately piqued o...
Comment entretenir mes SAOLA ? 🧽

How do I maintain my SAOLA? 🧽

You have just acquired your latest eco-designed shoes made from recycled materials or you are seriously thinking of taking the step, but you have questions about maintenance. Is it really worth i...